About Us

About Mandiri Investasi

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi, or widely known as Mandiri Investasi, was established in 26 Oktober 2004 following a corporate spin-off from PT Mandiri Sekuritas. Mandiri Investasi, a part of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk group, is the largest national fund manager and experienced in investment portfolio management since 1993, with Business License Number : No. Kep-11/PM/MI/2004.

Product and Service

Armed with deep understanding of the market in Indonesia, Mandiri Investasi will assist you in managing funds via innovative and professional investment products:

  • Mutual Funds

Mandiri Investasi presents a variety of investment products for you such as Equity Mutual Funds, Balanced Mutual Funds, Fixed Income Mutual Funds, Money Market Mutual Funds, Protected Mutual Funds, and Special Purposed Funds. Each investment product is specifically designed to meet a variety the level of your investment needs.

  • Alternative Investment

Investment management expertise and experience in Mandiri Investasi is not limited on securities traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the form of Mutual Funds, but also provides a variety of alternative investment and funding solutions such as direct investment, structured finance and infrastructure through investment products such as the Asset Backed Securities Collective Investment Contract (KIK-EBA), Infrastructure Fund Collective Investment Contract (KIK-DINFRA), and Limited Participation Mutual Funds.

  • Discretionary Fund

Mandiri Investasi offers Discretionary Fund that can be customized in accordance to investor needs based on their investment objectives and risk profile. For more information, please contact the Mandiri Investasi Care Center at 021 526 3505.


PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.

Bank Mandiri was established on October 2, 1998, as part of the Government of Indonesia’s bank restructuring program that amalgamated four state-owned banks into one lender. Bank Mandiri is listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia (Indonesia Stock Exchange). The shareholders are the Indonesian government with a 60 percent stake, and the public, which holds the remaining 40 percent.

PT Mandiri Sekuritas

A subsidiary of Bank Mandiri, Mandiri Sekuritas is a securities firm operating since July 31, 2000. The company provides services including Securities Underwriting, Corporate Finance Advisory, Securities Brokerage and Research through its two main units, i.e. Investment Banking and Capital Markets. In 2004, Mandiri Investasi was established after a spin-off process from Mandiri Sekuritas.

Vision and Mission

  • Vision

The Most Innovative and Leading Asset Management Company in Indonesia

  • Mission
    • To become the leading asset management in providing quality investment solutions that prioritize the interests and needs of the investors, with good Corporate Governance.
    • To continuously innovate investment products and service offering through technology and group synergies.
    • To manage and develop professional, dedicated, and competent talents to be competitive in the asset management industry.
    • To take an active role in educating the Indonesian societies about the importance of investing and to participate in country’s development.

Core Values

Management Team

Board of

Josephus K. Triprakoso


Riki Frindos


Margeret Tang


Board of

Aliyahdin Saugi


Arief Budiman


Learn more about our company

For further information, click the button below to find out about Mandiri Investasi Organizational Structure


Best Asset Manager 2024

Mandiri Investasi

Islamic, Equity & Fixed Income Funds Category – Fund Management Award 2024, Alpha Southeast Asia

Best Online & Mobile Platform

Mandiri Investasi

Asset Manager Category – Fund Management Award 2024, Alpha Southeast Asia

Best Mutual Fund 2023

Mandiri Pasar Uang Optima 2

Best 3-year Money Market Mutual Fund – Mutual Fund Best Performance Award 2023, CNBC Indonesia & Edvisor.id

Best Mutual Fund 2023

Mandiri Pasar Uang Optima 2

Best 1-year Money Market Mutual Fund – Mutual Fund Best Performance Award 2023, CNBC Indonesia & Edvisor.id

Best Mutual Fund 2023

Mandiri Obligasi Utama

Best 3-year Money Market Mutual Fund – Mutual Fund Best Performance Award 2023, CNBC Indonesia & Edvisor.id

Best Investor

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

Capital Market Sector – ESG Award 2023, by KEHATI

Best Asset Manager 2023

Mandiri Investasi

Money Market Funds Category – Fund Management Award 2023, Alpha Southeast Asia

Best Investment Manager 2023

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

USD Equity Funds 1 Year Period Category

Best Investment Manager 2023

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

Balanced Funds 1 Year Period Category

Best Fixed Income Product

Mandiri Investa Dana Obligasi 2

1 Year Period Category from Bareksa Kontan Fund Awards 2023

Best Fixed Income Product

Mandiri Investa Dana Obligasi 2

3 Year Period Category from Bareksa Kontan Fund Awards 2023

Trusted Company

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

Corporate Governance Perception Index by IICG & SWA

Best Asset Management

Mandiri Investasi

Investor Daily Summit 2022 (IDS 2022) by Berita Satu Media Holdings (BMSH)

Best Asset Manager (Equity Funds)

Mandiri Investasi

Fund Management Awards 2022 by Alpha Southeast Asia

Best Online & Mobile Platform (Asset Manager)

Mandiri Investasi

Fund Management Awards 2022 by Alpha Southeast Asia

Best Sharia Balance Fund 2022

Mandiri Investa Syaria Berimbang

Best Sharia Balance Fund 5 Year Period – Investor Best Syariah Awards 2022

Best Mutual Fund 2022

Mandiri Investa Equity Movement, Mandiri Obligasi Optima II, & Mandiri Indeks LQ45

Equity, Fixed Income, and Index Fund Category – Investor Best Mutual Fund Awards 202

Top Money Market Product

Mandiri Investasi

Road to CNBC Indonesia Award 2022

Best Mutual Fund 2021

Mandiri Obligasi Optima & Investasi Dana Dollar Mandiri

Fixed Income Mutual Fund – 5 Years Period – Asset above IDR 500 billion to IDR 1 Trilion & USD Fixed Income Mutual Fund – 1 Year Period – Asset above USD 1 Million

Best Asset Manager (Equity Funds)

Mandiri Investasi

Fund Management Awards 2021 by Alpha Southeast Asia

Best Islamic Asset & Fund Manager

Mandiri Investasi

Best Islamic Finance Awards 2021 by Alpha Southeast Asia

Best USD Sharia Equity Fund

Mandiri Global Sharia Equity Dollar

Best USD Sharia Equity Fund 1 Year Period – Investor Best Syariah Awards 2021

Best USD Sharia Equity Fund

Mandiri Global Sharia Equity Dollar

Best USD Sharia Equity Fund 3 Year Period – Investor Best Syariah Awards 2021

Gold Champion Best Equity Product

Mandiri Investa Equity Movement

Category of 3 Years Period with AUM IDR 300 Billion – IDR 1 Trillion from Bareksa Kontan 5th Fund Awards 2021

Gold Champion Best Sharia Balance Product

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang

Category of 3 Years Period Balance Sharia from Bareksa Kontan 5th Fund Awards 2021

Silver Champion Best Equity Product

Mandiri Investa Equity Movement

Category of 5 Years Period with AUM IDR 150 Billion – IDR 1 Trillion from Bareksa Kontan 5th Fund Awards 2021

Silver Champion Best Fixed Income Sharia Product

Mandiri Investa Dana Syariah

Category of 5 Years Period Fixed Income Sharia from Bareksa Kontan 5th Fund Awards 2021

Best Equity Fund 2020

Mandiri Investa Equity ASEAN 5 Plus

Category of 5 Years Period with AUM 100 Billion – 500 Billion by Majalah Investor – Infovesta

Best Online & Mobile Platform (Asset Manager)

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

Alpha Southeast Asia Fund Management Awards 2020

Best Fund Manager for Pension Mandates & Private Retirement Schemes

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

Alpha Southeast Asia Fund Management Awards 2020

Gold Champion Best Equity Product

Mandiri Investa Equity Movement

Category of 5 Years Period with AUM IDR 300 Billion – IDR 1 Trillion from Bareksa Kontan 4th Fund Awards 2020

Gold Champion Best Equity Product

Mandiri Investa Equity Movement

Category of 3 Years Period with AUM IDR 300 Billion – IDR 1 Trillion from Bareksa Kontan 4th Fund Awards 2020

Gold Champion Best Balanced Product

Mandiri Aktif

Category of 5 Years Period with AUM <IDR 200 Billion from Bareksa Kontan 4th Fund Awards 2020

Gold Champion Best Sharia Balance Product

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang

Category of 5 Years Period Balance Sharia from Bareksa Kontan 4th Fund Awards 2020

Gold Champion Best Sharia Balance Product

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang

Category of 3 Years Period Balance Sharia from Bareksa Kontan 4th Fund Awards 2020

Best Sharia Fund 2020

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang

Best Sharia Balance Fund  5 Year Period by Majalah Investor – Infovesta

Best Sharia Fund 2020

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang

Best Sharia Balance Fund  3 Year Period by Majalah Investor – Infovesta

The Most Inspiring Fund Manager

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

CNBC Indonesia Awards 2020

Best Fund Administration Mandate

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

The Asset

Best Equity Fund 2019

Mandiri Investa Equity Dynamo Factor

Best Equity Fund 5 Year Period by Majalah Investor – Infovesta

Best Syariah Fund 2019

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang

Best Syariah Fund  3 Year Period by Majalah Investor – Infovesta

Best Syariah Fund 2019

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang

Best Syariah Fund  5 Year Period by Majalah Investor – Infovesta

Silver Champion Best Equity Product

Mandiri Investa Equity Movement

Category of 3 Years Period with AUM 200 Billion – 1 Trillion from Bareksa Kontan Fund Awards

Gold Champion Best Equity Fund

Mandiri Investa Equity Movement

Category of 5 Years Period with AUM 100 Billion – 1 Trillion from Bareksa Kontan Fund Awards

Silver Champion Best Sharia Money Market Fund

Mandiri Pasar Uang Syariah

Category of 1 Year Period Syariah from Bareksa Kontan Fund Awards

Best Fund With Optimal Sharp Ratio

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

Alpha Southeast Asia Fund Management Awards 2019

Best Asset Management 2019

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

CNBC Indonesia Awards 2019

Rank II of Best Equity Fund

Mandiri Investa Equity Movement

1 year period with AUM IDR500 Billion – IDR1 Trillion category from Majalah Infobank

Rank III of Best Equity Fund

Mandiri Investa Equity Movement

3 year period with AUM IDR500 Billion – IDR1 Trillion category from Majalah Infobank

Rank II of Best Equity Fund

Mandiri Investa Equity Movement

5 year period with AUM IDR500 Billion – IDR1 Trillion category from Majalah Infobank

Rank III of Best Equity Fund

Mandiri Investa Equity Dynamo Factor

3 year period with AUM IDR100 Billion – IDR250 Billion category from Majalah Infobank

Rank I of Best Equity Fund

Mandiri Investa Equity Dynamo Factor

5 year period with AUM IDR100 Billion – IDR250 Billion category from Majalah Infobank

Rank III of Best Money Market Fund

Mandiri Kapital Prima

1 year period with AUM IDR250 Billion – IDR500 Billion category from Majalah Infobank

Rank I of Best Money Market Fund

Mandiri Kapital Prima

3 year period with AUM IDR250 Billion – IDR500 Billion category from Majalah Infobank

Rank I of Best Money Market Fund

Mandiri Kapital Prima

5 year period with AUM IDR250 Billion – IDR500 Billion category from Majalah Infobank

CGPI Awards 2019

Trusted Company

Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) 2019

Best Syariah Mutual Fund 2018

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang

1 Year Sharia Balanced Mutual Fund Category by Investor Magazine and Infovesta

Best Syariah Mutual Fund 2018

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang

5 Year Sharia Balanced Mutual Fund Category by Investor Magazine and Infovesta

Top Investment House Indonesia

Mandiri Manajemen Investasi / Bank Mandiri Top Investment House Indonesia Rank 2 Asian Local Currency Bond Benchmark Review 2018 By Asset Benchmark Research

Best Asset Management

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

IDX Appreciation 2018

CGPI Awards 2018

Trusted Company

Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) 2018

CGPI Awards 2017

CGPI Awards 2016

Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) 2017

Best Perform in Equity Mutual Fund

Mandiri Investa Ekuitas Dinamis

Top Performing Mutual Fund & Consumer Choice Award 2017 by Warta Ekonomi

Best Perform in Sharia Mutual Fund

Mandiri Investa Syariah

Top Performing Mutual Fund & Consumer Choice Award 2017 by Warta Ekonomi

Best Perform in Fixed Income Fund

Tugu Mandiri Mantap

Top Performing Mutual Fund & Consumer Choice Award 2017 by Warta Ekonomi

Best Mutual Funds Provider Indonesia

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

Global Banking & Finance Review Awards 2017

GBAF Awards 2016

Best Mutual Funds Provider Indonesia

Global Banking & Finance Review Awards 2016

CGPI Awards 2016

Trusted Company

Corporate Governance Perception Index (CGPI) 2016

Best Mutual Fund 2015

Balanced Fund 5 Year Period Category
Mandiri Aktif

Majalah Investor – Jakarta

Best Mutual Fund 2015

Balanced Fund 1 Year Period Category

Mandiri Aktif

Majalah Investor – Jakarta

Indonesia Middle Class Brand Champion

Consumer Choice Award 2015
Kategori Reksadana

Majalah SWA & Inventure – Indonesia

Best Mutual Fund 2014

5 Year Period Category
Mandiri Investa Pasar Uang

Majalah Investor – Jakarta

The Most Favorite Money Market Mutual Fund 2014

The Most Favorite Money Market Mutual Fund 2014
Mandiri Investa Pasar Uang

Majalah Investor – Jakarta

Reksa Dana Mandiri Investa Pasar Uang (MPU)

Best Mutual Funds 2012

Majalah Investor – Jakarta

Category B/Indonesia/Most Innovative Product
Winner: PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

Category B/Indonesia/CEO of the Year
Winner: Abiprayadi Riyanto, Mandiri Investasi

Category/Indonesia/CIO of the Year
Winner: Priyo Santoso, Mandiri Investasi

Category/Indonesia/Best Islamic Product
Winner: PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

Asian Investor Investment Performance Awards 2011

Consumer Choice Award 2015
Kategori Reksadana

Majalah SWA & Inventure – Indonesia

Manajer Investasi Terbaik 2010

Mandiri Investasi

Bisnis Indonesia Award

Reksa Dana Pasar Uang Terbaik 2010

Mandiri Investa Pasar Uang

Majalah Investor

The Most Expansive Islamic Protected Fund

Mandiri Syariah Terproteksi Pendapatan Prima 1
Islamic Finance Award

Karim Business Consulting

Reksa Dana Campuran Syariah Terbaik 2010

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang

Majalah Investor

Top Fund Manager 2010
Tokoh Finansial Indonesia

Abiprayadi Riyanto
CEO PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi

Mandiri Investasi
Majalah Investor

Reksa Dana Campuran berbasis Syariah

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang
Reksa Dana Syariah Terbaik 2009
Periode 3 (tiga) tahun

Kategori Reksa Dana Syariah
Majalah Investor dalam Best Syariah 2009

Reksa Dana Saham Syariah
Mandiri Investa Atraktif Syariah

Dana Kelolaan Terbesar
Kategori Capital Market

KARIM Business Consulting

Reksa Dana Konvensional

Mandiri Investa Pasar Uang
Best Mutual Funds 2009

Majalah Investor 2009

Reksa Dana Campuran berbasis Syariah

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang
Reksa Dana Syariah Terbaik 2008

Kategori Reksa Dana Syariah
Majalah Investor dalam Best Syariah 2008

Reksa Dana Campuran berbasis Syariah

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang
3rd Rank The Best Islamic Mutual Fund
for Balanced Income Fund

KARIM Business Consulting
The 5th Award and the 1st Cup Islamic Award and Cup 2008

Mandiri Investasi

Best Fund Manager 2007

Bisnis Indonesia Award 2007

Reksa Dana Campuran berbasis Syariah

Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang
Reksa Dana Syariah Terbaik 2007

Kategori Reksa Dana Syariah
Majalah Investor dalam Best Syariah 2007

Indonesia Middle Class Brand Champion

Consumer Choice Award 2015
Kategori Reksadana

Majalah SWA & Inventure – Indonesia

Invest Today

Contact Us At:

(021) 526 3505