JCI inched higher in July, while LQ45 went lower. The discrepancy shows technology sector has brought JCI index quite resilient while LQ45 index which dominant by the blue chip stocks was struggle to perform well. Overall, we have seen equity scramble to withstand due to number of daily positive Covid – 19 cases surged so tighter activity restriction was imposed. In early of month, hospitals were reportedly fully occupied with Bed Occupancy Ratio (BOR) reached 77% nationwide. Additionally, infected people had difficulty in obtaining supply of oxygen and medicines. Indonesia has likely passed the peak of daily Covid – 19 cases number in July, BOR has subsided at the end of month to 60% and finally Indonesia have been receiving supplies of vaccines tremendously. We see the adversity of pandemic might not ease rapidly because the delta variant is very infectious and national vaccination rate is still low.
However, we think this as the turning point that investors should consider for the longer period because people understand the situation ever than before. Besides, we have seen normality has come back in many countries that have higher vaccination rate where although Covid – 19 cases number increased due to delta variant, the mortality rate is very low. We are optimistic to see more people are aware the importance of vaccine and willing to get vaccination. Hence, we think LQ45 or blue chip stocks will catch up because the valuation is quite attractive due to correction in stock prices and improving fundamental numbers.
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