Global Equity Market Commentary : Diversification

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Global Equity Market Commentary : Diversification

Global indexes have declined in mid of July before recovered at the end of the month. The reason of the correction was due rising covid -19 cases around the world. The delta variant of Covid – 19 is apparently very infectious and therefore the fear of having the next wave of pandemic increased. Fortunately, most DM have higher vaccination rate where vaccines can prevent infected people from worsening condition. That can be proven by low mortality rate in countries that have high vaccination rate compared to lower vaccination rate countries.

Meanwhile, Chinese government have recently reshaped the regulation in their growing technology sector. Rapid development in technology has given impact to millions of people lives in China. The Chinese government wants to balance the advancement with existing regulation. We think this is normal for an emerging country like China to catch up and adjust their regulations with dynamic growth that progressing as the second largest economy in the world. We also in the view that Chinese government will not curb their companies to compete globally. We trust Chinese government and companies are currently searching the new harmony in changing economic challenges, same thing happened like in US and EU.

Therefore, diversification in portfolio is still relevant in current investment environment that prone to many inevitable risks, like regulation risk. RD MGSED has diversified portfolio ranging from US, EU, Japan and emerging markets that can benefit in any investment condition.




Pendapat yang diungkapkan dalam artikel adalah untuk tujuan informasi umum saja dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk memberikan saran atau rekomendasi khusus untuk individu atau produk keamanan atau investasi tertentu. Ini hanya dimaksudkan untuk memberikan edukasi tentang industri keuangan. Pandangan yang tercermin dalam konten dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan. Seluruh data kinerja dan return investasi yang tertera di artikel ini tidak dapat digunakan sebagai dasar jaminan perhitungan untuk membeli atau menjual suatu efek. Data tersebut merupakan catatan kinerja berdasarkan data historis dan bukan merupakan jaminan atas kinerja suatu efek di masa mendatang. Investasi melalui reksa dana mengandung risiko. Investor wajib membaca dan memahami prospektus sebelum memutuskan untuk berinvestasi melalui reksa dana.

Written by

Willy Gunawan

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