Money Market Commentary : August 2023

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Money Market Commentary : August 2023



Loan growth inched up again in July 2023 to 8.5% yoy from the previous 7.7% yoy. That is a good indicator of a thriving economy. Bank Indonesia introduced a new instrument SRBI (Sekuritas Rupiah Bank Indonesia) in order to attract foreign funds flow and optimise government bonds owned by Bank Indonesia. We see domestic money market bond yields are less likely to rise further with the latest developments in the US economy and are also supported by flush liquidity in domestic markets. Therefore, we have a broader underlying position in money market bonds than bank deposits. Bank Indonesia is less likely to raise the benchmark rate BI 7D RRR over 5,75% considering the current stable exchange rate Rupiah and low inflation.


Product Recommendation


MIPU MIPU invests in Money Market Instruments with a Short-Term segment and is categorized as Low risk. Investors bear the risk associated with the Money Market Portfolio.
MPUS MPUS Mutual Fund invests in Sharia-compliant Money Market Instruments with a Short-Term segment and is categorized as Low risk. Investors bear the risk associated with the Sharia Money Market Portfolio.


For More Information


Contact Mandiri Investasi – (021) 526 3505

Mandiri Investasi Whatsapp – 0816 86 0003

Mandiri Investasi Email – [email protected]

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The opinions expressed in the article are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for individuals or specific mutual fund or investment products. It is intended solely to provide education about the financial industry. Views reflected in the content may change at any time without notice. All performance data and investment returns mentioned in this article cannot be used as a basis for calculation to buy or sell a mutual fund. This data is performance records based on historical data and is not a guarantee of future mutual fund performance. Investment through mutual funds carries risks. Investors are required to read and understand the prospectus before deciding to invest through mutual funds.

Written by

Willy Gunawan

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