Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of Moinves Integration to MOST

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of Moinves Integration to MOST

MOST is Mandiri Online Securities Trading, a capital market investment platform for individual customers of Mandiri Sekuritas. By investing through MOST platform investor will have many features, including stocks, mutual funds, and bonds, supported by various features such as 24-hour Online Account Opening, Biometric Login, 24-hour Fund Withdrawal, Stock Recommendations, MOST Forum, and others.

This initiative is Mandiri Group’s effort to provide even better experience for investors. Mandiri Investasi investors with Moinves account are migrating to MOST from Mandiri Sekuritas, which is the parent company/shareholder of Mandiri Investasi.


MOST from Mandiri Sekuritas has a complete set of mutual fund transaction functions/features, including Mandiri Investasi mutual fund products available in Moinves.


With this service integration, Mandiri Investasi will continue to operate as an Asset Management with a focus on product development and mutual fund management.


As additional information, apart from MOST, currently, Mandiri Investasi mutual funds are also available through our 30 partner Mutual Fund Sales Agents.

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi (“Mandiri Investasi”) is a subsidiary of PT Mandiri Sekuritas, and Mandiri Sekuritas is a subsidiary of Bank Mandiri.


Mandiri Investasi is licensed by the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) as an asset management focusing in mutual fund management, alternative investments, and Discretionary Fund. Mandiri Sekuritas is licensed as a securities brokerage and securities underwriter by Bapepam-LK (OJK) based on Decree No. KEP-12/PM/1992 and No. KEP-13/PM/1992 dated January 23, 1992.

  • Still able to invest in Mandiri Investasi mutual funds, therefore staying aligned with future financial plans.
  • The opportunity to purchase other capital market investment products, such as stocks and bonds, while also enjoying various supporting features of MOST, such as MOST Learning, MOST Forum, MOST Sharia, and more.

Here are the easy steps for Moinves Investors to migrate to MOST:

  1. Investors complete the Mutual Fund Transfer Request Letter and send it to Mandiri Investasi within the provided cut-off time.
  2. Mandiri Sekuritas will contact investors via email and process the registration of MOST accounts (for customers who do not have MOST accounts).
  3. Investors complete the MOST registration documents.
  4. Mandiri Investasi will then transfer the Unit Participation from Moinves to MOST simultaneously on March 8th, 2024, after investors’ registration process is successful.

The mutual funds held by the investor will remain the same. The migration process involves transferring investor’s mutual fund from Mandiri Investasi to Mandiri Sekuritas. The investor’s mutual fund remains within the same mutual fund product and the same Custodian Bank, so there is no change. This migration process is free of charge.

We respect investor’s decision. Therefore, if investors does not agree to transfer their mutual fund or does not sign the Mutual Fund Transfer Request Letter, they will remain a investor of Mandiri Investasi. However, investors will only be able to transact offline using transaction forms sent via email to Client Service at: [email protected]. Investors can monitor their mutual fund investment portfolios through the AKSes KSEI portal.


Investors also have the right to redeem their mutul fund (make a redeem) either through Moinves before the transaction deactivation process in Moinves (at the latest by the end of October 2023), or offline (after the transaction services of the Moinves application are deactivated).

For questions related to the Moinves application, you can contact Mandiri Investasi’s Client Service via email: [email protected] or through WhatsApp at 0816 86 0003.


For questions related to the MOST application, you can contact Mandiri Sekuritas’ Care Center at 14032 or email [email protected].

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