Integration of Electronic Services from the Moinves Application to Mandiri Sekuritas’ MOST Application

Integration of Electronic Services from the Moinves Application to Mandiri Sekuritas' MOST Application

Important Information Regarding Mutual Fund Transfer:


1. Integration of Electronic Services with MOST: To enhance the quality of service and your investment experience, we would like to inform you about the integration of the Moinves application with the MOST application owned by PT Mandiri Sekuritas (“Mandiri Sekuritas”). Regarding this integration, we are offering investors for transferring Mandiri Investasi mutual fund previously registered in Moinves into the MOST application.


2. Role of Mandiri Sekuritas: Mandiri Sekuritas, the parent company of Mandiri Investasi, is authorized as a Mutual Fund Distributor. With this integration, Mandiri Investasi will continue to focus on fund management, while electronic mutual fund transaction services will be provided through the Mandiri Sekuritas’ MOST application.


3. MOST Application Features: MOST application owned by Mandiri Sekuritas is an application with comprehensive mutual fund transaction features and functions, offering the same Mandiri Investasi mutual fund products as the Moinves application.


4. Transfer Process: If investor wish to transfer their Mutual Fund from Moinves application to MOST application, investor may fill-in and sign the Mutual Fund Transfer Request Letter. The completed documents can be submitted to Mandiri Investasi via email: [email protected] before March 8th, 2024. Investor can read the Terms and Conditions of Securities Account at Mandiri Sekuritas using the button below.


5. Investor’s Mutual Fund: The transfer of mutual fund will not affect your investor’s mutual fund, and no fees will be charged. Mandiri Investasi will remain as the Asset Management of the respective mutual funds.


6. Discontinuation of Moinves Application: The Moinves application will be gradually deactivated as follows:

  • September 1st, 2023:
    • New account registration and new Autodebit applications will be disabled.
  • October 20th, 2023:
    • Transactions (subscription and switching) will be disabled.
  • March 20th, 2024:
    • Transactions (redeem) will be disabled.
  • March 31st, 2024:
    • Logins will be disabled (including access to Net Asset Value and portfolio reports).


7. Auto-debit Investments: With the discontinuation of Moinves application, the auto-debit facility within Moinves will also be discontinued. Henceforth, investor may continue their auto-debit investment using the Installment Feature in MOST application or through Mutual Fund Distributors collaborating with Mandiri Investasi.


8. Transaction History: With the transfer of Mutual Fund Participation Unit records from Moinves to MOST, after the transfer is completed, the transaction history of your Mutual Funds in Moinves will no longer be accessible. However, you can access your transaction history in Mandiri Investasi through AKSes KSEI on the website, up to a maximum of 3 months from the date you check the data. The transaction history data that will appear in MOST will commence from the date of the transfer of Mutual Fund Participation Unit records (migration) from Moinves to MOST.


9. Closure of Mutual Fund Account in Moinves: If investor have zero balance in Moinves application, their account will be closed. If investor wish to make subscription in the future, they may use applications of Mutual Fund Distributors collaborating with Mandiri Investasi, including the Livin’ by Mandiri app and the MOST application.


Investor who did not submit the Mutual Fund Transfer Request Letter to us, will remain as a Mandiri Investasi client and can only conduct Mutual Fund transactions (subscription, redeem, and switching) offline, as well as access portfolio information through AKses KSEI on website, once the transaction services in the Moinves application are deactivated.


You can download the Mutual Fund Transfer Request Letter using the button below. If you have further questions, please visit the FAQ page.


Info Lebih Lanjut

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