CIC-DINFA(Infra Fund) Product Learning Session

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CIC-DINFA(Infra Fund) Product Learning Session

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi conduct socialization for the latest and innovative product with PT Jasa Marga Tbk., that is Infrastructure Investment Fund Collective Investment Contract (KIK-DINFRA) held in 26 February 2019 at Le Meriden Hotel, Jakarta. KIK-DINFRA launched to be investment solution and alternative financing for infrastructure development in Indonesia. Mandiri Investasi act as investment manager supported by PT Mandiri Sekuritas as arranger and PT Maybank Indonesia Tbk. as custodian bank.


Investment Infrastructure Fund (DINFRA) is a form of collective investment contract used to collect funds from investor community, then invested into infrastructure asset in a form debt and/or equity from investment manager, and can be offered in public offers or limited offers. The advantages of KIK-DINFRA compared to the other investment product is that KIK-DINFRA give alternative solution for investor to invest in infrastructure asset, directly or indirectly through share ownership in the Infrastructure Ownership Company. Besides, KIK-DINFRA also gives extra benefits in portfolio diversification of infrastructure asset that is not or being build, or has produce income (brown-field) through alternative investment medium potentially reduce portfolio volatility. DINFRA Toll Road Mandiri-001 is KIK-DINFRA product, firstly recorded and traded on Indonesia Stock Exchange, offered through public offers so that it can reach institutional and retail investors.


The scheme designed for investor to placed funds in KIK-DINFRA and managed by investment manager in a form of KIK-DINFRA participation unit, those funds would be used by investment manager to invest in infrastructure asset by buying PT Jasa Marga Pandaan Toll stock, owner of the 13,61 KM Gempol-Pandaan toll road concession, either through taking part in the issuance of new shares or by purchasing ownership from Jasa Marga in PT Jasamarga Pandaan Toll. This product will be listed first on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the near future.


The socialization hopefully would give understanding to investors in case of Mandiri Investasi alternative investment products that keep contribute to infrastructure development in Indonesia.

Written by

Abdel Jabbar

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