Mandiri Investasi established Association with LinkAja for Mutual Funds Purchase

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Mandiri Investasi established Association with LinkAja for Mutual Funds Purchase

Jakarta, July 21st, 2020 – In accordance with the commitment to expand business in retail market, PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi or Mandiri Investasi is now officially work with electronic payment platform PT Fintek Karya Nusantara better known as LinkAja. LinkAja will provide an option for Mutual Fund purchase in Moinves, a mobile application owned by Mandiri Investasi.

Via LinkAja, Mandiri Investasi will not only bring back the electronic payment method in its application but also support “Sinergi BUMN” program and to increase the financial inclusion in Indonesia. Currently, LinkAja has owned more than 45 million user listed, and Mandiri Investasi will target 10% of the total user to purchase Mutual Fund in Moinves platform via LinkAja through various promotions.

Alvin Pattisahusiwa as President Director of Mandiri Investasi said, “Mandiri Investasi is confident about the easiness given by the cooperation between Moinves and LinkAja will become a “fresh air” for soon to be investor, especially millennials who are already familiar with LinkAja. The payment feature via LinkAja is hoped to help investor making Mutual Fund purchases in Moinves because investors only need to input LinkAja pin and able to finish the Mutual Fund Purchase.”

Haryati Lawidjaja as President Director of LinkAja said, “As a national digital financial platform, LinkAja has a big goal to support the increasing financial inclusion and economy in order to form an advance and prosper Indonesia through independent economy. Investment as product targeted to accelerate the financial inclusion is a critical instrument for society to create Financial Independent. The presence of LinkAja as the Mutual Fund payment method in Moinves, wih all the competitive advantage offered by Mandiri Investasi, is a form of strategic synergy we hoped to be able to support the access distribution of digital financial service for every level of society in Indonesia and not only limited in big cities.”

This cooperation will continue where Mutual Funds managed by Mandiri Investasi will also offered at LinkAja application. Synergy between BUMN subsidiary companies will continue improve and innovate to create an ecosystem of financial inclusion and technology for the benefit of Indonesian citizen.


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Corporate Secretary Dept.

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