Mandiri Investasi Issued Infrastructure Funds MJPT001 and Private Funds MIET

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Mandiri Investasi Issued Infrastructure Funds MJPT001 and Private Funds MIET

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi (MMI) launch innovative product in Indonesia capital market sector, where this time MMI introduce an alternative investment called KIK-DINFRA and RDPT to fulfill investment solution and alternative financing to infrastructure development in Indonesia. Aside from being the largest investment manager, MMI is innovative investment manager as the pioneer of alternative investment product, like KIK EBA, RDPT, and the latest product launch coincide with IMF-World Bank in Bali, is KIK-DINFRA. With this alternative product, MMI diversified as well as differentiating with other investment manager companies in Indonesia.


KIK-DINFRA MJPT001 will invest in infrastructure asset from PT Jasamarga Pandaan toll road, subsidiary from PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. (JSMR) with target of total investment value is Rp 1,5 trillion.  KIK-DINFRA excellence compared with other investment product is KIK-DINFRA has flexibility in the management, where investment manager could place KIK-DINFRA investment funds on equity securities, debt securities, as well as physical infrastructure projects at once. Then, KIK-DINFRA respond to investor’s needs to diversify investment outside securities effects traded on exchanges such as shares of public companies and bonds.


Besides KIK-DINFRA MJPT001, MMI with JSMR had launch RDPT MIET on July 2018. The target of total investment value RDPT MIET is Rp3 trillion. RDPT MIET publishing get positive welcome from local and foreign investors at Indonesia Investment Forum 2018 in Bali. Local investor supporting infrastructure sector through RDPT MIET such as Taspen, ASABRI, Jasa Raharja, Indonesia Infrastructure Finance, and WanaArtha Life. Also, foreign investor such as Allianz and AIA presents to give commitment financing infrastructure projects cooperation through this MIET RDPT Investment.


Previously, MMI had been publishing alternative products, like RDPT Mandiri Infrastructure Equity that invested in renewable energy, Asset Backed Securities Collective Investment Contract with JSMR (JSMR01 Mandiri KIK-EBA) in 2017 that gets interest up to 5,1 trillion or 2,7 times the excess demand from the total issuance value. In July 2018, MMI with PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. succeed to launch KIK EBA Mandiri GIAA01 worth Rp2 trillion, divided into 2 classes, A and B.


Until September 2018, MMI AUM mutual funds, including KIK EBA and RDPT reaching Rp 49 trillion, allowing MMI to maintain number 1 in the rank of AUM in the national mutual funds industry.


MMI committed to keep contribute to infrastructure development in Indonesia through alternative funding scheme for issuers or corporations, and help investors to fulfill investment needs through product development and innovative investment solutions.

Written by

Abdel Jabbar

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