Market Buzz : Massive Stimulus on the way

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Market Buzz : Massive Stimulus on the way

Sumber: Mandiri Investasi


Joe Biden has prepared a new $1.9tn economic rescue plan, as he gets ready to enter the White House next week. Together with the $900bn package agreed last month, each individuals earning less than $75,000/year will receive up to $2,000 ($600 + $1,400).

The 2021 stimulus package is almost as huge as the first stimulus given in mid of 2020 reaching $3tn where each individuals received $1,200.

We think, the pandemic has prolonged and most of countries are still imposing strict rules which can possibly be extended for longer period of time. We have seen the winner and loser stocks in 2020 performance. Most of the stocks in MGSED (Mandiri Global Sharia Equity Dollar) have proven to be the ‘winners’ in that period and the fund achieved 34.2% FY. The key is in the stocks picking and agile with the changing global situation. Therefore, we advise investors to own MGSED to take advantage of the coming events.


MGSED +19,1% +1,3%



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Written by

Willy Gunawan

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