Bond Market Commentary : October 2022

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Bond Market Commentary : October 2022

Half Way Through


The US 10-year Treasury yield shot up to 4,2% in October 2022 as the employment data in the US market was still strong and the inflation was relatively high. Therefore the Fed added another 75 bps to its benchmark rate, FFR, which became 3.25%. The condition forced other countries to adjust their benchmark rates higher in order to keep the attractiveness of their currencies, including Indonesia. Bank Indonesia raised their benchmark rate BI 7DRRR by 50 bps and reached 4.75% in October 2022. This is one way for BI to keep the attractiveness of Rupiah assets by keeping the rate spread between US FFR and BI 7D RRR. The INDOGB 10-year yield reached 7.6% in October 2022 resulting in a narrow spread of hovering around 340 – 400 bps with the US 10-year Treasury yield.

The narrative of the global market has changed expecting the Fed’s rate hike at a slower pace. If the expected rate peak of the FFR is 4.5% and the US 10-year Treasury yield has reached 4.2%, we think the higher bond yield movement is getting limited. By having this condition, we suggest investors build up a position in bond funds, either in USD or Rupiah INDOGB bond funds. At the moment, the IDR INDOGB yield curve is still going to shape bearish flattening while the USD INDOGB yield curve can shift parallel down. Our INDOGB targeted yield by end of the year 2022 is around 7.00% – 7.50%.


Rekomendasi Produk


MIDU Reksa Dana MIDU berinvestasi pada Instrumen Obligasi dengan segmen Jangka Menengah dan dikategorikan berisiko rendah – menengah.
Investor memiliki risiko atas Portofolio Obligasi tersebut.
IDAMAN Reksa Dana IDAMAN berinvestasi pada Obligasi Pemerintah Indonesia USD dengan durasi pendek dan dikategorikan berisiko menengah.
Investor memiliki risiko atas Portofolio Obligasi tersebut.
MIDO2 Reksa Dana MIDO2 berinvestasi pada Obligasi Pemerintah Indonesia Rupiah dengan durasi panjang dan dikategorikan berisiko tinggi.
Investor memiliki risiko atas Portofolio Obligasi tersebut.


Info Lebih Lanjut

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Written by

Willy Gunawan

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