How to Invest


How to Invest

Never hesitate to start investing. The sooner you start, the more you will be benefitted in the future. To be successful in investment, simply take the following steps:

b01Know your needs and goals

  • What is your investment goal? To buy a house, save money for down payment of your dream car, go on vacation to Europe with your family, or other goals?
  • How long will it take to reach your goal? 1, 5, 7 or 10 years?


b01Know your investment characteristic and your risk profile

Based on your goal and investment period, it is time for you to know more about the characteristics of the investment and your risk profile.

  • What type of investment instrument suits you best? Gold, equity, or mutual funds?
  • What is your risk profile? Conservative, moderate, or aggressive?

These are the things you need to consult with your investment manager of your choice, so that you can make the best decision for your investment. To get better understanding on the characteristics of investment and your risk profile, you can complete the investor profile form or contact Mandiri Investasi at 021-5273110.

b03Open an Investment Account

Once you understand the investment portfolio that you want to have, you should open an account of investment. To invest in mutual funds product of Mandiri Investasi, you can open an investment account by taking one of the two steps, as follows:

Open an Account

Fill in the form and complete the required documents for the opening of a mutual fund account at Mandiri Investasi:

  • Form for Opening Mutual Fund Account – only for the first time*
  • Subscription Form
  • Copy of ID and Tax Registration Number (for individual)
  • Copy of Documents as required (for institution)

*Pursuant to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) regulation, the Investment Manager must meet the potential investor in person at least once


  • Initial (First Time) Purchase
    • The investor must first complete the form for opening investment account and the Subscription Form and receive approval confirmation from Mandiri Investasi
    • The Investor must transfer the investment funds to the Mutual Fund account of the preferred product. Send the receipt of transfer by fax to 021-5275705 or email it to [email protected]
    • To obtain the price of NAV/Unit on the same day of purchase, all required documents must be received by Mandiri Investasi before 1:00 p.m. and the fund must be received in the mutual fund account
    • Copies of the required documents may be sent earlier by fax to 021-5275705 or emailed to [email protected]. Please send the original documents to Mandiri Investasi at the following address:
      PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi
      Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 36-38
      Jakarta 12190
      (Client Services Department)


  • Top Up Purchase
    For the next purchase (top up), complete and submit the following documents:
  • Subscription Form
  • Copy of Transfer Receipt

Investor must report the top up transaction by sending the subscription form and copy of transfer receipt to Mandiri Investasi no later than 1:00 p.m. in order to be processed and recorded in the Net Asset Value per Unit (NAV/Unit) of the same day. Form and receipt received after 1:00 p.m. will be processed and recorded in NAV/Unit on the following trading day, provided that the fund has been received in the designated Mutual Fund account.

  • Periodic Purchase/Top Up
    In order to join the Installment Program for your mutual fund investment, please do the following steps:
  • Make sure you are a valid investor of Mandiri Investasi and have an account at Bank Mandiri as our only partner for auto-debit services.
  • Fill in the Installment Subscription Form
  • Attach a copy of Mandiri saving account book cover
  • Fill in a letter of authorization to Mandiri Investasi for auto-debit
  • There are three dates for the debit process, i.e. on the 5th, 17th or 27th of each month. On such date, the status of the funds in the mutual fund account should be “good fund” so that the subscription can be processed
  • Registration for periodic subscription of mutual funds should take place no later than 5 (five) days before the date of debit process (5, 17 or 27) to be processed in the same month. Otherwise, the transaction will be processed in the following month
  • All required documents may be sent earlier by fax to 021-5275705 or emailed to [email protected]. Please send the original documents to Mandiri Investasi at the following address:
    PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi
    Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 36-38
    Jakarta 12190
    (Client Services Department)

Note: For all subscription, pursuant to the prospectus, letter or receipt validating a subscription of mutual fund will be delivered by the custodian bank to the investor’s correspondence address within 7 working days after the complete documents are received by the custodian bank.


Before a mutual fund’s switching, investors are advised to consult the mutual fund prospectus regarding the switching requirement. The mutual fund switching process is as follows:

  • Fill in the unit redemption and switching form
  • To receive the switching NAV/Unit on the same day, the confirmation and the switching form must be received by Mandiri Investasi before 1:00 p.m. The documents may be sent first via fax to 021-5275705 or email to [email protected]. A form and confirmation received after 1:00 p.m. will be processed and recorded using the NAV/Unit on the next working day
  • Immediately send the switching form signed by the investor to Mandiri Investasi office:
    PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi
    Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 36-38
    Jakarta 12190
    (Client Services Department)

Note: In accordance with the prospectus, the proof of mutual funds unit switching or letter will be sent by custodian bank via correspondence address at the latest seven days after the complete form was received by the custodian bank.


Before redeeming a mutual fund’s participation unit, investors are advised to read the mutual fund prospectus regarding redemption. The mutual fund redemption process is as follows:

  • Fill in the unit redemption form
  • To receive the redemption NAV/Unit on the same day, the confirmation and the redemption form must be received by Mandiri Investasi before 1:00 p.m. The documents may be sent first via fax to 021-5275705 or email to [email protected]. The form and confirmation received after 1:00 p.m. will be processed and recorded using the NAV/Unit on the next working day.
  • Send the redemption form signed by the investor to Mandiri Investasi Office:
    PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi
    Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 36-38
    Jakarta 12190
    (Client Services Department)

Disbursement funds of a mutual fund will be transferred directly to the investor’s bank account by the custodian bank at the latest by T+7 (in accordance with the prospectus) since the Redemption Form with original signature of investor is received by the custodian bank.

Note: In accordance to the prospectus, the mutual fund’s redemption proof or letter will be sent by the custodian bank via correspondence address seven days at the latest after the complete form is received by the custodian bank.

Contact our selling agent to get detailed information on Mandiri Investasi’s Mutual Fund product

  • Based on product
    Select your desired Mandiri Investasi’s Mutual Fund product and contact our selling agent that offers the product. Click here for products list.
  • Based on selling agent
    Visit our nearest selling agent. Click here for selling agents list.

b01Monitor your investment growth periodically

Once your investment is set in motion, remember to monitor it periodically. You can monitor your mutual funds investment every six months or once a year to ensure that your investment is still on the right track.

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(021) 527 3110